Barack Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s Plans to Better Our Future
The article is talking about the race going on between two candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. It also talks about their plans to better Nations future. For example: Hillary Clinton has a health care plan that will cover all Americans. The government in Canada has the kind of health care system that Hillary wants to use in the United States. But there is a cost to that. The taxes will be raised of course; the health care plan needs a lot of money to cover everybody. I don’t think that Hillary Clinton’s plan for health care will satisfy majority of people.
The article is talking about the race going on between two candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. It also talks about their plans to better Nations future. For example: Hillary Clinton has a health care plan that will cover all Americans. The government in Canada has the kind of health care system that Hillary wants to use in the United States. But there is a cost to that. The taxes will be raised of course; the health care plan needs a lot of money to cover everybody. I don’t think that Hillary Clinton’s plan for health care will satisfy majority of people.
Barack has a plan to return our troops from Iraq back to the States. I personally think that’s a great idea, and I am sure that a lot of Americans who’s sons and daughters are in Iraq are in favor of that plan, and can’t wait for it to happen. "The change we seek is still months and miles away," Obama told a boisterous crowd in Houston in a speech Tuesday night in which he also pledged to end the war in Iraq in his first year in office: "I opposed this war in 2002. I will bring this war to an end in 2009. It is time to bring our troops home," he declared.
Hillary Clinton has also a plan for getting our troops out of Iraq. “I have voted for end dates in May 2008, June 2008, and December 2008. But President Bush is not willing to set an end date. When I am President, I will end the war in Iraq. I will convene a meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, my Secretary of Defense, and my National Security Council to draw up a viable plan to bring our troops home starting within the first 60 days of my administration. When I am President, I will withdraw our forces from the sectarian fighting. There will be no American soldiers refereeing a civil war. No more combat patrols in Baghdad.”
Both candidates have a lot of common ideas about making our country a better place to live and it is the Nation’s decision WHO will have the chance to do so.
Both candidates have a lot of common ideas about making our country a better place to live and it is the Nation’s decision WHO will have the chance to do so.