Monday, March 3, 2008

Obama Denies Assuring Canada on NAFTA

In this article we have, I think, a direct example of politicians trying to look good for public. “Barack Obama said Monday that his campaign never gave Canada back-channel assurances that his harsh words about the North American Free Trade Agreement were for political show despite the disclosure of a Canadian memo indicating otherwise.” In my opinion what happened was just what all politicians, or most of them do to attract good attention from citizens, to interest people in what they are proposing for them in order to get elected. For example: George Bush. At first a lot of people thought that Bush is going to be a very good president for America, and now by the end of his term, most of the Americans can not wait for the election. Anyone, but Bush. Current president Bush made a lot of promises to our country and came out, most of it was not true, according to a Special Comment.
I am not trying to say that Obama is trying to fool everybody around to get elected, I was just giving another example of politicians trying to say one thing to make a good impression, and then doing another. According to the memo obtained by The Associated Press, Obama's senior economic adviser told Canadian officials in Chicago that the debate over free trade in the Democratic presidential primary campaign was "political positioning" and that Obama was not really protectionist. According to the news article my opinion doesn’t change about politicians trying to make themselves look better than they could be, for public, in order to get elected.

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