Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Response to Brandon (Politics of New and Now)

I agree with Brandon’s topic that enabling a student body with an ease to access firearms would result in more shootings due to the fact that people are not always rational of their emotions and acts.
The Gun Control issue is second in the Big Three issues in terms of viewer interest, behind Abortion and ahead of Education. The incident that happened in Virginia Tech shows big time that gun ownership should be limited to the point where people don’t have to worry about their safety at all!
It is understandable that hunters want to be able to have guns for hunting. For that matter there should be a “gun hunting leasing system” during hunting seasons, created for safety purposes. For example: people come – lease a gun for the day when they are hunting and return it at the end of the day.
For those people who want to own a gun at home in order to protect themselves and their family from criminals, robbers, etc. each and every gun should be kept at home only (with a previous background check of an owner and household of course). Also there should be a similar to a GPS system device installed permanently on the gun, just in case the owner wants to take the gun out of his or her house, the police department would be notified of that.
I personally think that guns are very dangerous and very unnecessary, and of course safety comes first, so the possession of firearms law should be restricted in order for people to feel safe and protected in public places.

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