Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Response to Derek ( National Government 101)

I almost entirely support Derek’s opinion about the war in Iraq and what we should do. I support it because I have the same beliefs and thoughts about it. Of course it was never a good idea for Bush to send our troops to Iraq in the first place, but since, like Derek said: 4000 soldiers lost their lives “to help try to give the people of Iraq a better life”. Very generous, BUT what about mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, wives and kids who lost their family members to the war? What about those people going through pain of loosing their loved ones to this war, and now almost the whole Nation is against it. What about them? I don’t think that Bush considered that as much as he should have.
I strongly agree with Obama's plan to pull our troops out of Iraq. Derek thinks that since so many soldiers lost their lives to this war then we should stay and finish what we started. I really think that we shouldn’t . I am not an American, I came from Ukraine, but I love this country and I care about it and it’s people. Like I said before – we lost TOO many lives, and we shouldn’t loose any more!

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